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Here they are - all of the penal and nonpenal fouls and the Red and Yellow Card offences summarized in a single table and a checklist of matters to be covered in pre-game instructions by Referees to Assistant Referees (plus . . . a set of instructions for the referee to give to his assistant referees). Fully updated to comply with 2004 LOTG.

Coming one of these days, a two-way list of re-starts (how you re-start with a list of situations in which the restart is used and a list of situations in which a restart is needed with the type of restart).

Referee Cheat Sheet





 Tripping or trying to kick opponent Offside (no offside for throw in, corner kick or goal kick)Unsporting behavior  Serious foul play
 Jumping at opponent Goalie takes > 6 seconds or touches ball with hand after release or after deliberate kick or throw from teammateDissent by word or action Violent conduct 
 Charging opponentDangerous play (not "high kicking") Persistent infringement of the Laws  Spits at opponent or other person
 Holding opponentImpeding progress of an opponent (obstruction) Delays restart of play  Denies a goal or obvious goal scoring opportunity by deliberately handling ball (not goalkeepers within own penalty area)
 Striking or trying to strike opponentPrevent GK from releasing ball from hands Fails to retreat required distance on free
kicks or corner kicks 
 Denies an obvious goal scoring opportunity by an offence punishable by free kick or penalty kick
 Pushing opponentWasting time  Enters or re-enters w/out ref's permission Offensive, insulting or abusive language or gesture
 Above require offence to be committed in a manner considered to be
"careless, recklessor using excessive force"
 Touching the ball a second time after the ball is in play following a throw-in, goal kick, corner kick, penalty kick or free kickLeaves w/out ref's permission Second caution 
 Tackle an opponent to gain possession, making contact with opponent first)   
Spitting at opponent   
 Handling ball deliberately (incl. GK outside box)   

Pregame Instruction

Here is a checklist of items which a referee should cover with the assistant referees before a game. Obviously, the list is too comprehensive for a regular game where time constraints are significant. But hopefully this will help referees in playoff and tournaments. Please be as comprehensive as you can when working with inexperienced referees.

  • Designate teams and field sides
    • senior AR
    • time backup/game length
  • State diagonal
  • Positions and Responsibilities
    • Throw-in
    • Corner Kick
    • Penalty Kick
      • Position
      • Responsibility
    • Signal
    • Goal Signal
    • Offside
      • Position
      • Participation
    • Hold Signal Until
      • Whistle
      • Wave off, or
      • Advantage to defending team
    • Fouls
      • Signal (foul, discussion, indirect)
      • In front of referee
      • Behind referee (severity)
      • Penalty Area
    • Ball Out of Play
      • Responsibility
    • Signal
    • Free Kicks near goal
      • Position
    • Ball In PlaySignals
      • Mirror signals
    • Fights
    • Ask for Questions

Instructions on Fouls

If you see a foul, look at me, and wait a heartbeat or two. If I am blowing the whistle (or bringing it up to my mouth) or if I am calling "Play-on", you don't need to do anything. If I am not doing these things then I did not see the foul, or from my position on the field I did not see it as a foul.

You now have to make a decision on whether you think play should be stopped. If you decide to allow play to continue you don't have to do anything. If you want to call out "Play on!" and/or give a signal with your off-field hand go ahead. If you think play should be stopped, stop, raise your flag and give it a good shake. If I decide to stop play, I will blow my whistle. Immediately, point the direction of the free kick with your flag parallel to the ground. If it is a penalty kick, drop your flag and run to the corner. If it is an IFK, raise you non-flag hand to so indicate, and jog to the corner if it is in the penalty area for the attacking team.

If I decide not to stop play (note: I am not overruling the AR. What a strange concept, as if by magic I can decide something I did not see was or was not a foul), I will give the advantage signal ("Play on!" and upswing of the arms) to indicate a foul has been committed (and observed by a member of the officiating crew) and that I am allowing play to continue. As I bring my arms down I will clearly wave you back to your position.

If I miss your signal (ouch). Wait a few seconds, drop your flag and return to your proper position. If the foul directly results in a goal let me know (I have already discussed this with the AR). If not whack me upside the head at half-time or after the match.

If an off the ball foul occurs behind my back, I always want you to signal it and I want the other AR to mirror the signal. These fouls are the most dangerous to the referee's control of the match and I always want to deal with the players involved.

Remember, selling any call depends on presence. The further away the foul the harder it is to sell the call and the more likely that I will not see your signal. Keep that in mind when fouls are not within 10-20 yards of you.

Have Fun!!

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AYSO Region 158

P.O. Box 806095 
St Clair Shores, Michigan 48080

Email Us: [email protected]

Phone: 586-335-2229